Archive for April, 2009

Sharky’s Fish Tacos

Looks good right? While I was a struggling college student at UCSD, this was my meal EVERY TUESDAY. I was living pretty broke at the time, so every Tuesday I would wait until after 2PM to get something to eat. Sharky’s had $1.00 fish tacos every Tuesday after 1 or 2PM. I would eat 3 of these every Tuesday to fill myself up.

Memories of how I finally made it…the end.


Today had to be the worst day of work by far. Work didn’t get any better because of someone who thought I was ignoring them, while I was getting yelled at for a few hours. I can’t really focus on doing much, so I decided to clean up my cubicle…

Here’s the end result:

Pretty clean compared to my usual days if you ask me. Dont mind the missing chair. I was sitting in it while I snapped the flick.

Random Ranting To Relieve My Frustration

“Cause I feel like my eyes saw too much suffering
I’m just 20 some odd years
I done lost my mother
And I cried tears of joy
I know she smiles on her boy
I dream of you more….”

Looking back at my past, I’ve been through some of the craziest things. I’m only 23 but I was one of the unlucky few that endured more than a 23 year old should have. From having my best friend killed, to having Omma pass away, to getting into some of the worst scenarios, I dealt with it all.

If there is anything that I learned from my past, I’ve learned to be a person of my word. If I said something, best believe that I mean it and I will carry it out. There are times when I feel that a few don’t understand me, the few that should know me real well, the individuals that should know my intentions and not be offended by my good intentions. Perhaps people think I’m more complex than I really am?

I’d like to think I’m just a simple, ordinary guy.

Something great that happened today was that my old friend Naomi Han accepted my friend request on facebook. Now, although Naomi and I havent talked for the apst 2 years, and she may hold a grudge against me, I owe a lot to her. She still is a dear friend to me, whether she knows it or not. I can’t help but think that the reason we fell out of the loop of our friendship was because of me…maybe she felt that I only came to her when I was down and out, I still don’t know. All I know is that if it wasn’t for Naomi, I really wouldn’t be here today. While my life was down and out, defeated, and lost…Naomi was there lifting me up and guiding me. Even till today she still helps me without knowing it…I grabbed this from her page:

“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Naomi used to send this to me all the time when I felt lost and helpless. Funny thing was when I needed something most today, I looked on her page and saw it. Thought it wasn’t for me, I thank you Naomi for having that on your page.  I miss your friendship more than you would ever know. Hopefully one day our paths will cross each other and our friendship can continue where we left off.

Lyricks…God’s Soldier

Rick Lee aka Lyricks has been on my daily rotation in music for about 3 years now. One word that best describes him…”Inspirational.” Through his music and through what Panda (his manager) tells me, I’ve learned that God uses every individual no matter what, to teach, to praise, to sacrafice…we all have a purpose from God. His purpose was to inspire us through his music. I’ll keep this short and allow his music to touch your life. May God use each and everyone of us more and may we represent God in our daily lives.

God Bless

Lyricks – “Again”….Forward to 2:00


Lyricks and Manifest – “Gift”


Lyricks – “Deliver Me”

Reflection Eternal

As I grow older, I find it is more difficult to teach and guide individuals,  to shield people of what I been through. 

When I was teaching years ago, I strictly taught on a yelling basis. If the students were out of line, I would yell and put them in their place. I never really sat down just to talk about life, to give them a feel of what may come their way. When one of my students came in with a bad day, a tear in their eye, I wouldn’t even care to ask what was the matter. I simply proceeded to teach and neglect any possible issue they may have.

Teaching this weekend, I feel like there is a new me. Yes I do put my students in line when I feel the need, but I make sure that they need to understand and live by respect. Without respect, there wouldn’t be much. Respecting one another is an underlying message in life. Sad to say, ever since my boys and I left Vovinam, respect for the elderly has gone way down. I’m making it a goal for myself to have these kids, young and old, respect one another, especially those of higher rank and older age. Those days of teaching and listening to your Sifu/Thay has been changed with utter loud noises that overpower my Sifu/Thay’s voice.

I’ve noticed how I matured in this situation. I used to just yell and simply not give a damn. The fact that I cared for my students, asked them their name, how they were doing, age and making small talk, I saw how I changed within these past 6 years. I actually care for my student’s well being. Although I haven’t been around much to have them call me Thay, I do know that I want to be their teacher. I want to instill the same mentality that I have now into the minds of my students. I want to change the disrespected to the respect, the unconfident to the confident, the trouble child to the lucky child.

Perhaps we can attribute this vision to what I’ve been through. I’ve been through rough hard times where getting up was hard to do. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel wasn’t always so clear. I fear for the people closest to me and for the people that I encounter to go through the same things that I went to and do the same things I did. I wish I can give my wisdom to all and have them understand, but I know not everyone will take in what I have to say. As hard as it is, I have to accept that and deal with it, but please understand that your personal well being is in my deepest interest. 

There were times when I was down and out because of the past and what came to haunt me, but with time, I slowly let go and learned to use my experiences as teachings to whoever I come across. I remember when a few used to call me Wisdom, what a fitting name it was. I’m more wise in my decisions and wish that those who can give me two minutes to speak will make wise decisions themselves. At times we do things head first without taking precaution and thinking of what may and may not happen, sure I am unpredictable, but I know not to play with fire and subject myself to certain scenarios.

I recall the one time where my friend Sasha came to me just to give her advice. I guess I feel like that is what God wants me to do, to share my knowledge and point people in the right direction, to protect and shield individuals. I try to live holy and more God-like as the days proceed. I want to be a person that people can turn to for advice, to listen, to teach and preach. I can only speak so much if the person doesn’t want to listen nor believe. Then they too will be like me and learn from experience, something that I wanted to save them from.

I guess I can’t help everyone, but as they say, if I can help one person and change their life, then I can die saying that I did something right…I impacted someone’s life.

Dericious Voyage

Asians making fun of Asians crack me up! LOL hahah

Dis is a Chocolate Person Su

This is correct on so many levels LOL…. I especially how they referenced “No Child Left Behind” lol

Fashion Excitement

Not too many things excite me in street wear, so when something does it’s definitely something I dig.

This weekend I have to go to the Ghetto Rock office. Time to put in some hard labor and help ship out the new season…which means I finally get my pieces from this season. I was there when Fern drew up a few of the pieces, but wasn’t there to grab some samples. We’re going to try our best to finish inventory, shipping out orders, and putting the stuff online. I want to implement a “pre-sale” of the new season with an additional discount code. Be on the lookout for that. Also in Ghetto Rock news:


Now, for those of you who missed out on the Triumvir X Street Fighter Collab, Triumvir is doing another collection.

I must say that I am anticipating this release. I failed to get every piece from the Shadaloo collection, but I’ll be sure to be at the computer for this release. The worst part is that I still didn’t finish picking up the items that I wanted from Triumvir just released from this Spring. Thanks a lot for burning a hole in my pocket Brandon, Brian, and the rest of th Triumvir staff.


Productivity level has diminished today. Nothing got done. Who or what do I thank for this?…My feelings.

Utterly tired and exhausted.